Monday, April 14, 2014

Breaking Stalin's Nose Book Review and Analysis

Breaking Stalin's Nose by Eugene Yelchin, follows the story of little Sasha Zaichik in Stalinist Russia. The minds of many young people's minds are corrupted by the false promises that Stalin has fed to them. Sasha is among this group, thinking that Stalin is god. Sasha lives in a communal home for Russian people, housing 48 people, that should fit maybe

Setting/ Point of View: The book, Breaking Stalin's Nose, by Eugene Yelchin, follows the young life of Sasha Zaichik in Stalinist Soviet Russia in the 1950's. Sasha lived in a Russia which was based on farming that Stalin wanted to turn to a heavily industrialized state.

Genre: Fiction, based on Soviet Russia at the time.

Tone: The tone is serious but also hopeful. It is serious because of his dead Mom, imprisoned Dad and his homelessness+ poverty.

What is the title talking about?
The title, Breaking Stalin's Nose literally refers to the moment in the book when Sasha is running with a sharp-pointed banner and breaks the nose off of a bust of Stalin.


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