Thursday, May 22, 2014

Brad's final reflection for Breaking Stalin's nose

This book was a very quick read and by quick I mean the author barely gives anyone, reader and characters alike a chance to breath. Taking place over a period of two days, Sasha's life if torn apart when his father is arrested and everything he knew about the world he grew up in is called into question. 

I never felt like I got to know anyone in the book, not Sasha, his father or the people around them. The author basically points out who the bad guys are, who the good guys are and makes no effort to humanize anyone. The illustrations while beautifully done, are placed in the book in such a way as to break up the narrative which gave me the feeling I was missing something. Not only that some of the people are drawn oddly, almost like by making them seem weak the author was trying to drum up more sympathy for them. 

The book also ends on a very depressing note, I personally didn't mind it, but any kid who picks up this book may be disappointed if they read it looking for a happy ending. 


  1. Wow sound like this was a sad excuse for entertainment! I'm wondering... is there anything good about it? how many stars would you give it Brad? Would you suggest I read it?

  2. Thanks for this review Brad! I don't think I'll be reading this novel now and appreciate your honesty on the subject. I agree with Sarah, this seems like it would not be very entertaining.
