Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Is Vladimir Putin the new Stalin?

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is living in another world. But what world exactly is this? As the Crimean crisis drags on, it is becoming clear that Putin’s thinking is somehow stuck in 1930s Europe. Replace Putin with Stalin and you get a good sense of what Russia’s leader is doing and, more importantly, how he can be stopped.

Much has been written about how the Soviet Union shaped Putin’s thinking. To him, Russia’s immediate past is not just a tool to foster patriotism. It is a model he is hoping to emulate.Putin has long tried to recreate Soviet greatness by invading neighbors (think Georgia 2008) and building a Eurasian economic union. Along the way, he has also adopted a way of thinking that is strikingly similar to his Soviet predecessors.In fact, he invaded Crimea for much the same reasons that Stalin invaded eastern Poland in 1939. Comparing the two invasions not only helps us make sense of a complicated situation, but it also offers clues on how Putin’s expansionism can eventually be defeated.

A way to snap Putin back into reality is one that Our President Would not want to do. It would require President Obama to open the Keystone pipeline, allow fracking and other oil company's to drill oil deposits in Alaska. so that America can become energy self-dependent. This would cut off Russia from the revenue that it receives from America, which would change Putin and Russia mind about the Crimean Crisis.

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