Monday, April 7, 2014

Stalin: Man of Steel Film Review

General Topic and Themes:
 In the Documentary, Stalin - Man of Steel  it follows the life and rise to power of Joseph Stalin in his home country of Russia. Stalin was in office from the 3rd of April 1922 to the 16th of October 1952. As a child, Stalin had many health issues and nearly died on several occasions. Stalin was married twice after his first wife died.

Quality and Interest:
The film Stalin: Man of Steel, in my opinion is one of the more interesting documentaries that I have seen. While the film is mostly in black and white, certain themes including foreshadowing and character development keep the film fresh and interesting for the duration of the documentary. This film, as a documentary has a mix of pictures and video recorded of Stalin at the time combined with overlapped audio from historians discussing the topic. As well as the visual history, there is also some music and chanting from when Stalin was in power, which kept it interesting. The documentary roughly followed Stalin's rise to power by following his life as it progressed. However, there are still flash forwards and foreshadowing to keep the video fresh. I think that some young people would be interested in the documentary that we watched, but others would not. This is because the film is a documentary, which could be boring to some young people, but to others the film could be very interesting. Overall, Stalin: Man of Steel showed Stalin's life and his control through an interesting lens.

Relating to breaking Stalin's nose:
 In the documentary, Stalin: Man of Steel, The Soviet rise of power is shown with documents and footage of Stalin succeeding Lenin as the leader of the Soviet Union, in Breaking Stalin's Nose, by Eugene Yelchin, Sasha is a 10 year old boy living in the Soviet Union at the time and is experiencing many of the things under Stalin's rule. At first its going great for Sasha, he is about to be accepted in the Young Soviet Pioneers and his father is a great communist who works for the Police of Soviet. The Documentary tells stories how Stalin turned on his people and caused many to die and a great amount were locked up in prison with horrible conditions. The documentary showed with vivid images the prisons and camps with many stories of survivors. The stories are very interesting and draw many people into learning more about the camps and prisons. This relates to the book because while Sasha's live is going well, his dad gets arrested for being an enemy of the people and gets taken to prison. When Sasha realizes his father will not be coming back he has the choice to go to the same place his father is locked up in and he takes it with the hopes of seeing his father again. Andre Miller

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