Friday, April 25, 2014

Russian culture

File:RedSquare SaintBasile (

Russian Culture has a long history of art including: literature, philosophy, ballet, classical music, painting and modern technology. Russia had some influence on world culture with all of these arts. Many famous ballets have been made by Russians such as the nutcracker. Russia also had a good history of science. Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist published the periodic table of elements in 1869. Russia's culture was shown well in the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympics. The ceremony used a little girl named Lubov (which means love) to take the audience through the achievements and contributions of Russian scientists, artists and athletes.

Food is a big part of Russian culture, the most popular foods are soups, hot or cold, meats and fish, pies and pancakes, potatoes and cabbage and for beverages vodka sbiten', kvass, medovukha and mors are the most popular.

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