Friday, April 25, 2014

Ukraine will blockade pro-Russian militants

Against the warnings from Moscow, the central government in Kiev has threatened to blockade pro-Russia militants moving into the town Slovyansk near the border. This move is creating tension between Moscow and Washington as well as Europe. “Attempts at military conflict in Ukraine will lead to a military conflict in Europe,” Ukraine’s interim prime minister, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, told the interim cabinet in remarks broadcast live, according to Reuters. “The world has not yet forgotten World War II, but Russia already wants to start World War III.” The blockade has sent the world into the war mindset. There are still tensions from the Cold War that should be worried about. With this blockade being put up against the supposed oncoming Russian forces all of the countries are considering the affects that could occur if Russian activists and the Ukraine were to be in battle. The Ukrainian defense minister says that: “In the event of any crossing of the border by Russian troops, we will qualify this as an invasion and we will eliminate the invaders.”

How bad is the Russian threat?

In the past weeks Russian activist troops have been moving closer and closer to the Ukrainian border. At present time the troops are 1 kilometer away from the border. However the ATO (anti-terrorist operation) continues to patrol the border. The defense minister also says: “The ATO goes on,” he said. “The terrorists should be on their guard around the clock. Civilians have nothing to fear.”

Russia has repeatedly denied having a hand in the unrest convulsing eastern Ukraine or any intention to invade. But an announcement on Thursday by Moscow that it would immediately start military maneuvers along the border with Ukraine, and a threat by Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, of unspecified consequences for Ukraine as a result of what he called a “serious crime,” signaled a new phase in a geopolitical struggle set off by the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in February.

The debates and politics continue to roll on among the world powers, but only time will tell what will happen in Crimea and Ukraine.

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